5 definitions by BeAverHed

The funniest damn thing I've ever heard in my life...too bad it had to come from something so mainstream.
You're a cock-juggling-thunder-cunt...bitch.
by BeAverHed May 26, 2005
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i think someone once told me a Geoff is a pirate oppossum with 6 legs that is a crew member of most serpentine space vessels. They're astrophysicists most of the time...but not usually. They have a diet of mostly girraffe eggs and rhinocerous bladders and are none too pleasant to speak with if you just happen to be a fucking dumbass...they eat those bagels heads like licorice...chocolate licorice.
by BeAverHed June 23, 2005
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Just drop about 200ug of acid and listen to "Terrepin Station" till you peak, then switch to "Eyes of the World." That's what the Grateful Dead is.

And it helps if you're laying down in the grass on the edge of a lake/ocean/large body of water watching the sunset. I would also highly recommend checking out the clouds and look out for the bats...they're everywhere.
"Acid is one hell of a drug" -Me telling Brett my feelings about that day^^^ summed up in the simplest words LSD allows for.
by BeAverHed May 26, 2005
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An Alcoholic/Canibanoic drink made from soaking weed in an alcoholic beverage.

Desired affects increase with increased curing time and using a beverage high in poly-unsaturated fats and alcohol. The high poly-unsaturated fat count allowing for more THC to dissolve into the drink...use Malt Liquor, guys.

The leftover marijuana can be used for making hashish.
Green Dragon will fuck your shit up and it's handy!
by BeAverHed May 26, 2005
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You know, that dumbass everyone gets to be when they've smoked too damn much. They can usually be detected by a: "Dude, I'm pretty high right now."
Commandment 3: Thou Shalt Not Be An Obviosaurus.
by BeAverHed May 26, 2005
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