50 definitions by Baz

The word flank is used as a substitute to most key words in a sentence, especially swear words
What the 'flank'?

You get flanked right up yer flank hole mate
by Baz January 19, 2005
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To agree with a point 100% or also to emphasize your feeling on something
1) Hey baz can i borrow a smoke? Yea man u fully can
2) I fully want you to shut up and fuck off you worthless hood rat
by Baz June 18, 2004
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Technical offset printing term referring to the tin object containing roller cleaner, with a plunger on it, that sits near the end of a Heidelberg press. You pick up a rag, chunka-chunk a few times on it, and the rag becomes soaked with cleaners. So-called because it makes a chunka-chunk sound.
'Hey Baz, clean the rollers will ya?'
'OK' (grabs a rag)
(chunka-chunk sound)
'Hey Tone, the chunka-chunk is empty, can ya get some more chunka-chunk fluid from the chunka-chunk shop?'
by Baz June 14, 2004
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A word to describe a papa which has been yo-ed by something or someone.
That chap has been Yo Papa-ed by Steven Speilberg about fifty times!
by Baz December 1, 2003
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cunt seeking, semi automitac assault weapon.
I unloaded a clip from me meat glock into her spam catcher
by Baz July 18, 2004
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The comma is a useful device for breaking up sentences into smaller parts sadly lacking from lots of the stuff you see on the internet due to the shocking standards of education in the modern world kids eh?
For example, booty becomes booty.
by Baz November 26, 2003
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