9 definitions by Baxton

A thing that makes noise when your jokes aren't funny. Somehow, every single time you tell a bad joke, the damn cricket just happens to be there to mock you. He makes you cry.
Bad comedian: So the monkey says to me "how are you?" haha


Cricket: *cricket* you suck *cricket*

Bad comedian: Boo hoo. :'(
by Baxton September 2, 2005
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One of the most overused and annoying phrases in news history to describe high gas prices. Often used at least once when broadcasting a story that involves gas prices.
Producer: I got it! We'll name the news story "Pain at the pump!"

Assistant Producer: Bloody clever that one!

*400 "Pain at the pump" news stories later*

Producer: Hmm...How about we call this segment "Pain at the pump?"

Assistant Producer: I love it! Very original.
by Baxton April 1, 2008
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Last Lap Syndrome - or LSS, is the annoying fucking disease that plagues racing games everywhere. It usually occurs on the last lap of a long, hard, and/or very important race.

Symptoms include:

* Ramming into a tiny rose bush that completely totals your car 5 feet from the finish line.

* Leading 99 percent of the race only to be passed by the A.I. while he simultaneously receives a blow job from your girlfriend and flips you off saying "SUCKA!"

* Head on collision with some stupid ass taxi that just had to pull out in front of you causing you to get in last.

* Leaving your sucky ass opponent completely totaled a mile away in his junker, only for him to recover as the best damn racer in the known world - then proceed to leave your slow ass rotting in the gutter while he blows passed you for the win.

Greg: How long have you been trying to beat this track?
Mike: Two days. But I'm in first now; I'm going to win!
Greg: ...
Greg: Heh, sounds like a case of Last Lap Syndrome.
Mike: DIE
by Baxton August 26, 2007
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A crotch hopper is a person, usually a woman, who is very promiscuous. She loves to hop from one crotch to another. A crotch hopper is similar to a crotch cricket except when a crotch hopper rubs her legs together, you can tell how many crotches she's hopped.
Dave: Dude, Daisy is such a crotch hopper!
Mike: You ain't shittin. Wait, she's rubbing her legs together!
Dave: Let me calculate this...thats two, carry the one, plus five. Damn dude, she's slept with 1200 guys.
Daisy: *cricket*
by Baxton January 3, 2006
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Bo rai cho is a mortal kombat character who's name was taken from the word "borracho" which is spanish for "drunk"
borracho = drunk
Bo Rai cho = Drunk fat farting fool.
by Baxton September 2, 2005
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A man you go to school with in highschool. He has his hands in his pants and we call him the Chazzard Hazzard.
Hey chaz! Masturbating again?
Hey you. Whats your name? CHAZ: Names charles...but you can call me chaz.

A person who is obsessed with porn.
by Baxton July 21, 2004
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In online gaming, another word for 'level'. When you want to go to another 'level' or 'arena', you'll usually ask them to change the map.
Noob: Man dust2 sucks, lets change the map to de_piranesi

1337 crew admin: Die
by Baxton September 2, 2005
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