10 definitions by Baron Von Batwing

The pendulous or excess skin that hangs from the underside of the upper arms. Most commonly found on fat women from the north of England.
"Ugh, that fat-ass old barmaid just whapped me in the face with her sweaty chicken wing when she reached over to collect my glass!"
by Baron Von Batwing January 6, 2005
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Another phrase for a mans scrotum.
I found a baby hedgehog in the park the other day and took it home only to find a naked man attatched to it.
by Baron Von Batwing January 15, 2005
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1) A 1970's cop drama about a crime fighting cripple in a wheelchair.

2) An insult to hurl at arrogant cripples who think you owe them something.

See also: dalek
Cripple: Urghl! these parking spaces are for wheelchair users only! I'm speaking to security about this.
You: Fuck you Ironside!
by Baron Von Batwing January 7, 2005
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A very norty bear who walks around wearing only a t-shirt with no bottoms on eating "hunny". His boyfriend is a piglet named Piglet other fiends involved are ee-or the donkey, tigger, an owl, a couple of kangaroos and some random boy.
This motly bunch of cocksmokers have pathetic adventures which are so boring they make you want to kill yourself.
A recent study indicated that kids raised on a diet of "Pooh" will grow up to have shit for brains and will most likely expose themselves to strangers in wooded areas.
Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh, cubby little tubby all stuffed with cock...
by Baron Von Batwing January 6, 2005
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1) A small amount of watery excrement that shouldn't be in your underpants but is.
Arse genies manifest for no known reason, not because of shock or following through when you attempt to pass wind or any other legitimate reason for shitting yourself. Very often the first a person will know of their arse genie is a slippery sensation between the arse cheeks when walking which is often mistaken for sweat. It is only when they go to wipe the sweat away and realise that it is brown that they know they have a genie.

2) An actual genie that that may attempt to persuade you to rub their rusty sherrifs badge in exchange for wishes.
"What the fuck is this? I don't seem to recal shitting meself today?"
by Baron Von Batwing January 6, 2005
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1) Mung-ger: Someone who mongers(sells) something, for example fish-monger, ironmonger,whoremonger, assmonger, cockmonger

2) Mong-er: A mentally challenged person,retard,spaz,mongoloid(from which the word is derived)
"That assmonger can be such a monger sometimes!"
by Baron Von Batwing January 16, 2005
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Moldovan band who produced the dangerously addictive Dragostea din tei, otherwise known as the noma noma song.
There is a famous video clip of a fat boy really enjoying it that can be seen on Newgrounds etc.
Hello on a cellphone, greetings, it's me, an outlaw,
I ask you, my love, to accept happiness.
Hello, hello, it's me, Picasso,
I sent you a beep cellphone signal, and I'm brave or strong,
But you should know that I'm not asking for anything from you

Chorus from Dragostea din tei , roughly translated
by Baron Von Batwing January 15, 2005
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