14 definitions by Bane

Inflected forms: froogused, froogus*ing, froogusly, frooguses
Variant of extreme.

(Used in place of any verb)

(Used in place of any noun)
"That's the most froogusly disturbing stench."

"I froogused all the way home."

"Why does it say froogus jam when there is no froogus jam!?"
by Bane April 11, 2005
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boltigz : a user of javachat applets to connect to IRc servers, usually severely retarded, and prone to an inability to cumminacte properly, whilst using stupid actions and sounds.
that sXegirl420 is such a boltigz yeahrigz.
by Bane April 7, 2004
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Skinhead: one with shaven or close cropped hair. Often possessed of racial opinions, but not necessarily racist ( there's a difference between opinion and hatred you know.) most commonly found listening to punk, such as skrewdriver, or dropkickmurphys however also to be found listening to ska, reggae or two tone. Guaranteed to stand up for their beliefs and not back down, resorting to violence whenever necessary ( unless they're a pacifist wuss, when they really just deserve to be stomped upon).
d00d, that skinhead just beat the complete shit out of these little jews, it was so fucking FUNNNYYYY!!!

woah dude, chill, just because i'm a jew doesnt mean.. ARGH ARGH OW OW WOW UGH! *crack* 'woops, didn't mean to break the jews skull... oh well'
by Bane April 7, 2004
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Where the "jooles" hang out.
by Bane September 24, 2003
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An abbreviation used in chats or instant messages that means "not really"
by Bane December 21, 2003
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Dancing smiley faces. They have a resembelence to Kirby.
Man I'm so happy!

<(^^<) <(^^)> (>^^)>
by Bane February 14, 2005
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Dancing smiley faces. They have a resembelence to Kirby.
Man I'm so happy!
<(^^<) <(^^)> (>^^)>
by Bane February 14, 2005
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