1 definition by BandChick

A person in band who thoroughly enjoys it.
Band geeks will:

1. Giggle when a non band member starts a sentence with "One time at band camp"
2. Always have a new story about something that happened in band that day.
3. Get along with theater kids very well.
4. Have no problem changing clothes in front of other band members... even members of the opposite sex.
5. Can flirt, get physical, hug, kiss and get all up on each other without really having feelings for the person.
6. Are usually a group of horny little bastards.
7. Stick to each other like glue and are like a family.
8. Usually are best friends with the rest of the band upon the first day of meeting them.
9. Go to the football games just to do there show and pep band stuff. They don't normally watch the games, they play cards in the stands on their off time.
10. Have disorganized thoughts, that other band geeks can understand.
11. Enjoy bipodding through the halls singing Broadway music.
12. Enjoy musical theater.
13. Have a bunch of inside jokes that only other band members will understand.
14. Enjoy long bus rides.
15. Will sing stupid songs and play stupid games and enjoy it.
16. Practically lives in the band room.
17. Uses their band lockers for their other classes along with their instruments... never really using their hall lockers, but rather coming to the band room between each class to get stuff for next period.
18. Are all out of their minds.
19. And are the coolest bunch of people you will ever meet.
by BandChick June 2, 2007
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