13 definitions by Bambianca

Getting incredibly angry over the slightest offensive image
Lin: Look, I accesorized my protogen!
Eewa: This content is definitely suggestive
*20 minutes later and a huge argument*
Thalia: That guy definitely has Kyle’s Mom Syndrome
by Bambianca January 25, 2022
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On july 1st, you can hug an agent from the matrix and they cant kill you. But a smith clone can infect you if you hug them, I guess
P1: Hey, did you hear? It’s hug an agent day
P2: That’s awesome, I love matrix agents
P1: Yeah, what if we also made them buy the blue thing for us
P2: That’s called a blue raspberry slushie, dumbass
by Bambianca March 10, 2023
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The most dangerous place in the anarchy that is Florida. Claimed by General Electric in 2013 when Agent Smith somehow became a doctor in the hospital, people who need to be hooked up to life support fucking die in a powerplant.

Usually, because of how horny Smith is, he will fuck a random patient but the pull out right before he cums and then cums all over the patient. Don’t forget that his cum will give a person Matrix COVID, which he created. A few weeks back, some Australian idiot walked into this hospital. Let’s say that she’s been hiding for quite some time now
Doctor 1:“Yo how tf did that patient just suddenly disappear. Why is Smith copying himself onto everybody?
Doctor 2: This is Aventura Hospital. Y’know Smith infects everyone he sees because of his transformation fetish

Smith: I can hear you
by Bambianca December 25, 2021
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A phrase used by ROBLOX kids to indicate when something is so incomprehensible or funny that they’re *shitting robux cards*
by Bambianca November 3, 2021
People who stalk you in Amino chatrooms. They can either be an emotional wreck who gives you a slight scold when you make a suicide joke (they actually have a personality), or they can go out of your way to ruin your life f your username is the lyrics of Two Trucks by Lemon Demon, then get angry when you say that they’re going way too hard on you. There are multiple types of mods

1. Chill Mod: The mod that calls you out when needed, but isn’t afraid to have an actual sense of humor and personality. Though mods fear this trait, it’s actually pretty good to be a chill mod.
2. Synn: The mod that doesn’t even exist, they can only be spawned by a voice chat. Even when they’re in chat, they’re usually sleeping
3. Little Asswipe: The mod who ruins all of the fun and pretends to be supportive when you have a mental breakdown, but if you talk shit about them, they will rip your soul out of your body
4. Asswipe Minion: The mod who is actually quite supportive. Their personality is somewhat similar to that of a Little Asswipe, but if they were actually supportive. They don’t enforce formality like a Little Asswipe, but just tries to keep the chatroom safe. They’re also usually a fan of indie horror games. Usually, they’re somewhat stricter than a chill mod, but not as strict as a little asswipe.
1. “Wow, she doesn’t even know that she’s a pretty good Amino Moderator!”
2. “DAMNIT! You know how slurs are taken very seriously in this chat? Someone called me an r-word! Wake up, Synn!”
3. “I had to leave that chatroom because the mods were constantly ruining my life and pointing out every single flaw I have”
4. “The new moderator was a little bit nicer to me when I had an emotional breakdown in the chat”
by Bambianca December 17, 2021
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What Agent Smith gives everybody in the matrix sequels. Matrix COVID is usually spread through an Agent Smith clone (these clones are infected people). A person who is infected with Matrix COVID has black semen that if touched, will infect the,pm. This semen usually leaks onto their hands if an infected person touches someone who isn’t infected. The semen will cover the person’s body and a Smith will emerge from the cum.

Though Smith can infect anybody, he usually goes for women. Matrix COVID is anywhere: Hospitals, nightclubs, even your own house! People who are dead can not be infected, so you should probably become an hero if you don’t want Matrix COVID, but getting it is like becoming An Hero except there is no body left over.
The black puddle on the floor reminds Sophia that if she touches it, she will get Matrix COVID
by Bambianca December 25, 2021
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