4 definitions by Baloo Uriza

A garbled, pidgin blend of American English, the Constitution, miscellaneous cherry-picked bible quotes, and frothing, paranoid ranting denoted by random use of capitalization and punctuation; usually the result of a brainfukt sovereign citizen.
Those bird sanctuary occupiers are spewing a lot of finicum lately.
by Baloo Uriza February 5, 2016
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Among Native Americans, when someone dies. The metaphor being walking from this spiritual plane to the next, as opposed to dying outright.
As an obituary headline: Congressional Gold Medal Recipient and Code Talker Edmond Harjo finds time to walk on
by Baloo Uriza April 14, 2014
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Any brown "pancake syrup" that isn't actually maple syrup; usually corn syrup dyed brown. Usually amazingly flammable, and almost inevitably discovered by Boy Scouts eating on the cheap.
"Well, it's sickly sweet, but doesn't really taste like maple at all." "I'm going to put some on the fire." "Doesn't smell like burning maple, either." "But it burns really well, like napalm." "It's mapalm."
by Baloo Uriza February 18, 2015
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