37 definitions by Balfdor

The type of woman a man will date when so absolutely desperate that he has to give his credit card information over the phone just to get some action from her.

Phone sex operator, hooker, supermodel—anyone sexy enough to be able to charge your credit card.
Dave has only been able to hit the creditcarding girls lately! What a loser!
by Balfdor June 13, 2006
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To stop the progress of a person or thing.
Halt, who goes there?
by Balfdor December 2, 2006
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Delusions Of Grandeur

A D.O.G. is someone with the potential to have really big dreams but without applying oneself will end up just eating the dirt, metaphorically speaking.

A D.O.G. usually starts out very timid or perhaps somewhat of a spaz in social situations. They show all traits of an extremely bright but also very underdeveloped individual.
D.O.G. in a classroom: Dude I think I'm gonna go to college and get my AA degree or something. But then I'll want to work a good job too, I mean I don't want to flip burgers or anything like that. Maybe then I'll meet a nice girl with cute boobs and butt and go out with her and once I make enough money we'll be able to go on expensive dates and then we'll get married and have lots of babies. Hurray!

Other students: Okay whatever... (sigh)

P.E. teacher: Alright maggot give me 10 push ups

D.O.G.: But sir my arms hurt

by Balfdor August 11, 2006
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Kellogg's brand of waffles, very popular among average Americans, especially in college dorms.
Can we have pancakes for breakfast?
No, but there's Eggos!
by Balfdor December 23, 2006
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An ignorant phrase used by adolescents to refer to the bindi, a decorative dot worn on a Hindu woman's forehead.

May also be used to refer to a bulbous pimple on someone's forehead.
Look at that Indian girl's Gandhi dot, how beautiful!

Cover up your Gandhi dot, it's disgusting!
by Balfdor December 24, 2006
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A phrase that gentlemen use when making acquaintance with someone, usually an attractive female.
Ron: Derek, this is Samantha.
Derek: (kisses Samantha's hand) Charmed, I'm sure.
by Balfdor December 1, 2006
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