3 definitions by Badasstronaut

The condition of having unkempt upper lip facial hair, generally as a result of having just woken up from sleep.
Due the awful case of bedstache, Johnny's usually impressive handlebar moustache has started to resemble a Yin Yang symbol. Half yin and half Yang.

Half handlebar moustache, Half Fu Manchu.
by Badasstronaut May 12, 2010
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You know all those notifications, newsletters, project notifications, updates etc. that you sign up for and really, really want to keep up to date on but don’t seem to have the time for right now? (and now, and now, and now). - Andy Quayle
"I’m reading through my bacn"

"I got so much bacn today!"

"Dude, enough with the bacn already!"
by Badasstronaut August 20, 2007
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The ex-president-elect is the person who conclusively appears to have lost a presidential reelection in the United States, but has yet to leave the White House.
The ex-president-elect Trump continues to Egan to count the number of days until he is evicted from the White House.
by Badasstronaut November 10, 2020
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