17 definitions by BMG

Any one of serveral IBC beverages, but most often used to refer to root beer
by BMG December 17, 2002
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to throm somehting into the crotch of your unsuspecting friend, specifically a Tyson chicken doll wearing a red cape.
"its in the bag!"
followed by throwing of said doll directly into the balls of your friend
by BMG December 17, 2002
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Mazda MPV which, contrary to common belief, is an abbreviation for Moon Patrol Vehicle.
What? Scott totalled the old MPV on the way to the DMV?
by BMG December 17, 2002
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Glengary Glen Ross
We work too hard George. Remember when we were… When we were selling Glen Ross Farms?


Didn’t we sell a bunch of that?
by BMG December 18, 2002
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Assistant manager of Cub Foods and former child star of TV show "Warriors in the Hall."
This has been Noah Matt, signing off.
by BMG January 15, 2003
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any action worthy of receiving compliment, followed by a pounding of two fists together in a light punching manner
you mooned that bitch good.. solid
free fries? solid
by BMG December 17, 2002
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one that jobs (see to job)
Man, Doug Whitman is a huge jobber
by BMG December 17, 2002
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