9 definitions by BEJ0124

When a person uses their iPhone so much it becomes a part of their body. They no longer have a hand, or an iPhone, but an iHand.
I can't live without my iHand.
by BEJ0124 April 16, 2011
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Now-a-days everyone wants to be so politically correct. Instead of saying "This is gay," you can now say "This is geisha," without harboring any guilty feelings for being anti-homosexual.
Brittany: I hate being in this meeting for four hours.

Arwin: Me too, this is geisha.
by BEJ0124 May 17, 2011
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When a female farts and queefs simultaneously while performing a summersault.

It is also possible to spicy tuna roll while dismounting from a sexual position.
Hank: Dude, I was banging out this chick last night and she gave me a spicy tuna roll when she was done.

Stephany: That's gross.
by BEJ0124 June 10, 2011
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Where some religions believe you will go if you don't lead a prosperous life. It is the Christian equivalent to hell. It's also fun to use in sentences for a replacement for the word hell.
Where in the Spirit Prison did I put my keys?!
by BEJ0124 May 13, 2011
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1. A poop so long it spirals around the toilet bowl

2. A cute little girl with spiral curls in her hair
After I ate that entire burrito, I left a curly sue in the toilet.
by BEJ0124 April 16, 2011
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When you have to poop so bad that you feel that you are about to give birth to an immaculate conception. The poops often resemble pop corn shrimp, or little baby jesus' swaddled in little blankets.
After I ate all of that food I had a case of the baby jesus poops!
by BEJ0124 April 16, 2011
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The fat girl at the bar, who slightly dances, always has a drink in her hand, and is always a giant bitch. When others even look in her direction she gets an attitude. Even though she is large, she is in charge, and honestly believes she is better than anyone else in the place.
Do you see that whale over there with the DD boobs?

Dude, that girl is a big bitchy!
by BEJ0124 April 16, 2011
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