12 definitions by BD

Our janky friend BDef was a total junk-show.
by BD February 26, 2004
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To eliminate the humorous value of a joke due to blatant overuse and terrible timing.
Okay, you totally redmonkeyed that joke.
by BD May 19, 2003
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The Last Night, to be used in reference to an extremely fun or memorable evening.
That party was off the hook son! we threw down like it was the lizniz on earth.
by BD August 23, 2003
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Freshen up gum, ie gum that squirts in your mouth.
Would you like some cum gum?
by BD February 8, 2004
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When you have to take a shit immediately after eating.
Bob has been diagnosed with poolimia.
by BD September 14, 2004
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The name Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey, with all of God's powers) gives the little monkey that he makes come out of a gang member's butt in revenge of a previous beating.
"Hey, little anal-dwelling butt monkey. Time for you to go home, little buddy."
by BD August 7, 2004
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