12 definitions by B.

boosh boosh boosh boosh
translation: I'm brown.
by B. October 20, 2003
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One of the most lovable persons there is. Known for being very stubborn at times but will try their best to make you happy, when it isn't that hard to make them happy.
Did you hear about Tanner Paul? Everybody loves that kid.
by B. July 24, 2014
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1) Good ideas become even better when you set them on a backburner and ignore them until they just won't stand for it anymore. Delicious.

2) Mummy soup. Popular in late Victorian Egyptologist circles. Generally a side dish. Delicious.
Oy guv'ner, be a lad and pass a sup of brain stew, wot?
by B. March 13, 2005
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1. the FAB 5
2. five of the coolest girls you'll ever meet
3. LHYMCA crew that will always be tight
4. a group of friends that have an awesome time no matter what
5. Nene, Liz, B, Rae, Beca
There is always fun in store when your amongst the SLORES. You know how we do...
by B. February 6, 2004
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A modification of the Hoover sex position, where you push your lover down a loading ramp, grating her face. Thus it is called: the cheese grater.
At work we finished loading the truck, so I showed Tara the cheese grater.
by B. August 20, 2004
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