1 definition by Axlwouldkickvinceneilsass

A decent metal band made up of a bunch of wannabe punks. Vince Neil (frontman, Axl Rose's bitch, hits like a powderpuff), Tommy Lee (drummer, 24 inch dick, Kid Rock's bitch), Nikki Sixx (bassist, pissed in a cop car once), and Mick Mars (guitarist, the lone ranger and only talent in the group). Despite the fact that they suck as human beings, they collectively get at least four-hundred and twelve times as much hot ass as anyone that could possibly be reading this right now, and for that, they deserve two thumbs up.
Hey, did you hear Tommy Lee is fucking Pam Anderson?

Yeah, not if Kid Rock doesn't kick his ass first...

Hey did you know Vince Neil punches like a bitch?

Yeah, Axl would kick his ass in a new york minute...

Motley Crue sucks
by Axlwouldkickvinceneilsass November 23, 2009
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