5 definitions by AxelPee

An room of varying size completely devoted to sexual self satisfaction. Can be a shrine of many modes of masturbation.
Jesse: "I caught Kevin jerkin off stalefish in my room!"

Axel: "That mother fucker, I told him specifically to use the Mastubatorium!"
by AxelPee April 21, 2008
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to kick it, preferably in the shade.
Dude 1: "Ay dog, let's go to the store, so I can get some gin."

Dude 2: "Nah, fuck a drink, lets just zerp in the shade."

Dude 1: "Aight, let's fade."
by AxelPee April 21, 2008
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Alcohol Induced Drippy Shits - happens when you drink too much and the next day you experience diarrhea.
1 - "Dude, I got mad AIDS from last night"

2 - "Yeah, me too"
by AxelPee May 20, 2008
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to check out; leave the area; pack up and take.
Dude 1: "You guys are gay.com, Im 'bout to fade."

Dudes 2 and 3: "Peace, bitch"
by AxelPee April 21, 2008
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