2 definitions by Awful_Fangirl

The well known beginning to the song Welcome To The Black Parade by former band My Chemical Romance. It's the key G on the piano played at the beginning of the song. It will make repressed emo people lose their shit and violently cry eyeliner.
Non-emo: "Hey, I just found this really cool song!"
Repressed emo: Cool! What's it called?
Non-emo: Welcome To The Black Parade! *G Note plays*
Emo: *violently crying eyeliner and screaming the lyrics*
by Awful_Fangirl August 13, 2016
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The beginning to the song "Welcome To The Black Parade" that makes every emo lose their shit while crying eyeliner.
Non-emo friend: Hey I found this really cool song!
Repressed emo: Cool, what is it?
Non-emo: *G note plays* Welcome To The Black Parade!
Emo: *crying eyeliner*
by Awful_Fangirl August 13, 2016
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