20 definitions by Assweepay

The gynecologist likes to XML.
I could tell from the semi bulging from his pants.
by Assweepay August 13, 2005
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When an album gets digitally remastered and actually ends up sounding worse than the original recording.
Ozzy Osbourne's Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman got digitally remasterbated when the original bass and drum tracks were removed and replaced with new ones.
by Assweepay June 9, 2007
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To let it be known that you own an iPod.
Person A: Check out that muthafucka with the white earphones.

Person B: Yup. He be podcasting.

Person A: Let's jump the muthafucka!

Person B: No worth it, man. The POS
doesn't have gapless playback.
by Assweepay August 1, 2005
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