5 definitions by Ashley, sister of three

Wyatt is a brave and wise man. He dose what's right even when its hard. He's also very sweet and will warm your heart with his smile. He is great with children because of his patent and loving nature. Wyatt will always protect his loved ones, no matter what the cost.
by Ashley, sister of three September 4, 2016
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free spirited and limit pushing. She can be stubborn and is often very loud and talkative. She speaks her mind. When she gets mad watch out! She likes to be in control and the power gets to her head. She's a show off as well, and walks around thinking she knows everything. She has a smart ass attitude. She won't take shit from anyone, she makes her own rules. However when everyone is treating her right and isn't ignoring her she's a sweetheart, very affectionate. always happy to see you when you visit her, and she loves hugs. Her laugh is adorable, her smile is irresistible. She is very active. She is very creative and loves to use her huge and wild imagination. She has a tendency to get jealous, especially around babies and young children, or people who are hogging her parent's attention. She can be shy with people she doesn't know. She could eat a bowl of ice cream and pass out an hour later. She's quite unpredictable with her mood-swings, and can come up with crazy wild ideas. There is no way to shut her up or stay at mad at her. When she's not around everything feels empty, because even though she can be a nightmare, she makes life interesting, lights up a room, and has a tendency to leave a very strong impression behind wherever she goes.
person 1"Did you hear that Magalie chick got expelled for punching a teacher?"
person 2 "No she couldn't have, she's such a sweetheart"
person 1 (No, from what I hear, she's crazy."
by Ashley, sister of three September 4, 2016
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A white lighter is a magical being in the show Charmed that aired from 1998 to 2006. A white-lighter is a guardian angel for witches and future white-lighters. They used to be special mortals who did great and brave things during life. Their job is to guide witches they are assigned to and protect them, also have them prepared for attacks. They also watch over people who will become white-lighters once their life is over, he has to ensure they die on their at their time or they won't become white-lighters. Most times their assigned witches who are still in infancy, the white-lighter will guard and protect the witch her or his entire life. However White-lighters are not supposed to reveal themselves as white-lighters unless their is urgent need, their witch is supposed to figure it out on her/his own. In the meantime the White-light pose as a friend, teacher, boss, service guy (like handy man, plumber) or if their witch is young and has lost their parents the white lighter may pose as their foster parent.
"Where has that white-lighter gone?"

"Are you my white-lighter?"

Then the white-lighter moved on to his next witch knowing he had done his job.
by Ashley, sister of three September 4, 2016
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Ashley is a highly sensitive girl with a short temper but huge heart. She has no problem fighting back when others wrong her, cause she won't take anyone's shit. She often fells depressed and cries, she prefers to keep to herself. She won't be honest to family and friends when she doesn't want to do something, instead she'll make an excuse to get out of it. She prefer to be up late at night and sleep in during the day. She struggles to get up early in the morning. Ashley's love fiction especially Vampires and witches, however they are easily scared so they avoid horror movies. Ashley's are great family people who love and adore children, they will make the best moms. Ashley's are also loud, talkative and want everyone in their business.
Person 1 "why is Ashley crying this time?"
Person 2 "her favorite show ended, must of had a sweet ending like all the cast hugging
by Ashley, sister of three September 4, 2016
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Prue is a beautiful independent woman, she's a strong leader. Prue likes to take charge and is very wise and brave. She can kiss ass so so watch out and stay on her good side. Prue is cautious with every decision she makes. She's also kind, supportive, loyal and protective, not to mention patient.
Prue just got a job at the auction house yesterday.

Have you seen Prue today?

If you have any questions just ask Prue.
by Ashley, sister of three September 4, 2016
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