76 definitions by Ash

a way of life in which there is no supposed "form of government," has become popular by followers of the punk pop culture beause they (a) do not understand what it is, (b) think it is a sign for avril lavigne, or (c)know what it is, but don't realize that it will never work

it is completely impossible for there to be no form of government, human nature forces us to look to authority figures for guidance, and also when some fucker comes and steals from you, your gonna want said fucker to pay for it, getting together a group to go after him, said group will become a tribe, and such will happen all over the world

the punk posers who say they support anarchy and are aggainst the "corporations" do not realize that their beloved hot topic is a corporation, so is the anarchy brand name, the anarchy brand is truly smart, they realize the stupid shit for brain skaters have no idea what the fuck anarchy really is and will buy whatever is "in"

anarchy is a good idea, in theory, SUPPOSING every single person was willing to work and share the fruits of their labor with the rest of the world, sure, it could happen, but there will always be people who say, fuck no, you give me some of that "whatever they made" and ill give you what you want, causing people to eventually revert to a system of money, going against everything true "anarchists" stand for

oh, and the a with the o around it is the anarchy symbol, not the avril sign
punk fucker: dude, lets go skate, and then buy some anarchy shit from hot topic
me: do you even know what anarchy is?
punk fucker: yeah dude, GO AVRIL
by Ash May 23, 2004
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An internet text game (www.darkthrone.com) in which users waste away their lives clicking buttons and talking about clicking on buttons.

Highly addictive!
Pete: You weren't at my party last night Dave.
Dave: I was on DarkThrone.
by Ash January 23, 2005
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The union, or belief in a (re)union between the characters John CARter and abBY Lockhart on ER.
"I love Carby"
"I miss Carby"
"Carby is the love that will return - move over Doug and Carol"
by Ash April 13, 2005
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It's like saying awesome or sweet.
"I found some weed in my jacket, jackpot!"
by Ash December 17, 2004
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White Rabbit is not cocain, its a rabbit off of alice in wonderland.
Hambly, Mark is not a white rabbit!
by Ash January 26, 2005
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some kid who wears really weird clothes and stripy socks and aint quite a goth but listens to rock music.
by Ash July 22, 2003
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