1 definition by Architeuthosaurus

A website where not-so-average people post not-so-average stories, usually about Harry Potter, how much they hate Twilight (they really do hate it), pirates and ninjas, or how they engaged in a random lightsaber duel with their principal, and received a high-five for it. Most entries on the site beg the question "Really?"

Most entries consist of a fantastical story about how wonderfully whimsical their day was, or how awesomely nerdy and clever they are, followed by the phrase "MLIA", which is of course short for the rather untrue "my life is average".
--"Today, in chemistry class, my teacher came in dressed as Professor Snape, and taught us 'Potions' instead of regular chemistry. It's not even Halloween! my life is average."

--"I call bullshit."
by Architeuthosaurus December 21, 2011
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