1 definition by AprilW.

Hell. Everyone is a bunch of poseurs and brats. They all try to make you conform and listen to the same stupid music thinking they're cool. They all have Middle School Relationships that aren't real or serious and last about a week.
You have either 7 or 8 classes that are usually on thee opposite sides of campus. You must run and risk looking like a loser to your next class within the time they give you to get to class. You may be three seconds late but you'll probably have a bitch for a teacher that marks you as late and gives you a detention.
You'll be constantly stressed and won't get a chance to relax after waking up at 6:00am and then go to school for 6 hours, go home and do your shit-load of homework and still be expected to get to school on time and get amazing grades after getting to bed at midnight.
Then your teachers demand a binder for each class so you look like a huge nerd with a fifty pound backpack that you must run to each class with. In classes, you are forced to learn stupid ass shit you'll never use again and must remember just long enough to pass standardized tests and if you get a bad grade, your parents will criticize you to the point of tears but they just can't sympathize with you. Have fun!

All that stuff on TV about middle school being fun? Lies. All the fun stuff that happens in books? Never happens.
My teacher gave me so much fucking math homework I had to pull an all-nighter and then got detention for falling asleep during class.

Popular kids pointed and laughed as I ran with my fifty pound backpack to my next class. Of course, they all looked cool in Hollister skirts and Jansport backpacks that were all empty.

I'm finally done with middle school. I don't remember anything I learned.
by AprilW. May 12, 2012
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