2 definitions by Anonymous_user_69

the most foul being of all. she can be seen driving the kids to soccer practice in her SUV. she has the can i speak to your manager haircut. workplace managers fear her. when she is not driving the kids to soccer practice, dance class, or the spelling bee, she is usually at home on Facebook. she divorces her husband, takes the kids, is a pseudoscientist/anti-vaxxer/flat-earther, participates in MLMs and demands to speak to the manager. she firmly believes in the ESRB rating system, or her version of it. which is as follows: ec: 3-10, E and E10: 11 and up, T and M: not in this house. none of her kids are vaccinated and they are all homeschooled

in short, she is a fucking bitch
Mega-Karen is the most powerful evil entity
by Anonymous_user_69 February 11, 2020
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The most handsome boi on earth
Scar is my husbando
by Anonymous_user_69 October 28, 2019
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