28 definitions by AnonymousProgressiveRebel

Don't EVER get on the wrong side of this animal! It is one of the last things you'll want to do!
Along with the hippo and the rhino, the Cape Buffalo is one of the most aggressive and dangerous herbivores in Africa. Despite weighing as much as a car, an adult Cape Buffalo can charge at speeds of up to 30 mph and is more than capable of dealing an overhead toss to any lion that tries to make a meal out of it.
by AnonymousProgressiveRebel October 9, 2022
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A very fitting description for the COVID virus.
What do COVID and the Marvel villain M.O.D.O.K have in common?

They are both



Only for

by AnonymousProgressiveRebel February 25, 2023
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A planet destroying Star Wars superweapon that by size and destrucdestructive power makes the Death Star feel like child's play.
The First Order really outdid itself with the Starkiller Base.
by AnonymousProgressiveRebel June 13, 2023
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The only substance in the world capable of dissolving gold!
Aqua regia is a powerful mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids whose name means "royal water" in Latin. It gets its name from it being strong enough to dissolve the "king of metals" - gold.

Fun fact: in Russian, "aqua regia" translates to "Tsar vodka!"
by AnonymousProgressiveRebel March 16, 2023
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The name of the boundary between Colombia and Panama and effectively North and South America. It is the most dangerous natural border in the world, with dense jungles, rugged terrain, and unpredictable flash floods being a big reason why there is still no road connecting the two continents. Crazier still, this continental barrier has existed since prehistoric times, having formed when North America became connected to South America via the Panama land bridge, allowing people and animals to migrate south. But despite the dangers anyone who attempts to cross from Colombia to Panama on foot will face, thousands of desperate migrants still risk their lives to make the treacherous crossing each year, hoping to eventually make it to the States.
The Darien Gap is behind only the Korean DMZ and the former Berlin Wall in terms of being the most dangerous borders in the world.
by AnonymousProgressiveRebel August 23, 2023
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Not having an education level higher than a high school diploma.
In the U.S., a college degree is what separates the educated from the undereducated.
by AnonymousProgressiveRebel August 21, 2023
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