61 definitions by Anon.

The purest opiate of the ginger colour, not to be confused with blonde or any other normal colour.
onionsbed:// ok people, time to start laughing, i just shit myself :D
by Anon. May 18, 2004
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Pronounciation of "Yes, yes." in french.
Usually spelt "Oui, oui."
"I em French! You see? Weewee, lissen to my outwrageous fronch acceent!"
(see monty python & the holy grail)
by Anon. August 24, 2004
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It is great to have an Aleyna in your life sometime or another.
by Anon. August 22, 2003
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An exceedingly whipped guy who does/wears/thinks/says whatever his girlfriend tells him to.
"He is *so* her bitch."
"How can you tell?"
"He's wearing plaid."
by Anon. May 8, 2003
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A complete dumbass. Someone unworthy of the title retard.
<PersonA> Hey, I went to this club the other night and pulled this right stunner. It was only when we got into the back of my car for some lovin when I felt something slippy and long in 'her' panties.
<PersonB> Hahahahahahaha! Fuckhelmet!
by Anon. October 1, 2003
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1. Talented actor and musician. One of the best actors of our generation with such bizarre but well-played roles such as Edward Scissorhands, Jack Sparrow from "Pirates of Caribbean", etc.

2. Titled to be the 'Sexiest Man Alive' by People magazine in 2003.
1. Johnny Depp's role in 'Sleepy Hollow' was quite magnificent for his brilliant performence, his charisma, and the story inside the legend.

2. Amazingly attractive, Johnny Depp, is one of the charming actors of our time.
by Anon. September 9, 2004
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