16 definitions by Anomaly

The state of being both a ho and a retard.
Damn, girl, you're a fucking hotard!
by Anomaly July 4, 2005
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One who is shit-faced on cheap booze, such as Schlitz beer.
The girl at Snake and Jake's was so schlitz-faced that she fell off her barstool without provocation.
by Anomaly June 28, 2005
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The state of being shit-faced on cheap beer, such as Schlitz.
Some girl at Snake's last night got so schlitz-faced that she fell off her barstool and spontaneously combusted.
by Anomaly July 4, 2005
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Drunk on cheap beer, such as Schlitz.
Your mom and I got schlitzed last night at my place.
by Anomaly July 1, 2005
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An awkward, lame beach-goer.
A poser who tries to look like he surfs or swims, yet flails around in a helpless panic when he gets in the water.
by Anomaly February 20, 2005
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Someone who's been in graduate school way too long.
Whose that creepy guy who constantly hits on undergrads during office hours?

Oh, that's Josh, he's an ubergrad.
by Anomaly May 21, 2008
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