38 definitions by Anne

to agree and go along with an opinion. Thats how you get in the biz and how you get your pickle tickled; you concur!
"I concured with Tylar that Green Day was an awsome band!"
by Anne April 19, 2005
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people that are wannabe ghetto. and act like they are from the hood.
the prince of persia is trying to be ghetto but all he getting is jetto.
by Anne February 1, 2004
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Waster: I'm off to waste.
Smell: Don't do waste.
by Anne February 9, 2004
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At first you taste the chocolate, then you taste the cookie, then the crisp, then the corn.
by Anne February 9, 2004
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She's lived here all her life. She's a true Philadelphian.
by Anne December 4, 2004
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This is the dome drug that "The Fox" (a.k.a. Christopher) and I have extrodinary expertise in. We discovered this mad unschwagness at the likes of the grill G.H.S. If you did not know the swillage and lineage of the great F to the O to the X, you shall now learn it's intimate, "grill mad fox to my dome, face swill" history. It has been a key schwag component in the makings of the dome Declaration of Indefuckin'pendence, the swillness of the infamous grillage of Adam and Eve in the epic, domeness of the Holy Bible itself. Word, for Foxy includes all chill beliefs, for the shizzit is in the Fox. For example, the blaze story of the biddies of the mudmen, whom were rolling on said Foxy Methoxy whenst the whole of the domes of mankind discovered that they wereth created from the nug mud that they had been seshing to their face for the past thousand dome years.
And so that is it g-thang, homeskillet, and home-frie diddly-yo....is that a goddamn brick of foxy that you have there? Let me sesh some of the face grill dome nug nome gwill srill! Taste-a-fuckin'-licious! Cheerio from your Foxy Methoxy Othodoxy Oxy Epoxy lovers, Chris "M. Fox" and Anne "Mme. Fox"...the illest of the Foxes.
Three schwags of fox to my nug grill!

I blaze three foxes to my grill and nugged a dome past the schwag face!
by Anne March 22, 2005
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A piercing that goes straight through the glans of the penis. Usually done with a straight barbell. The position of the barbell parallel to the floor when the penis is hanging down. Supposedly the most sensuous piecing (sexually speaking) because of the ability to massage the G or P spot upon insertion of a man or woman.
"Wow, man, you got your junk pierced?"
"Yup. It's an apadravya."
by Anne April 19, 2005
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