12 definitions by Angus the superduck

1) Someone who acts like someone cool in public but when with friends is completely different.
2)In use to why a person may act strange or random.
1)Girl 1: Yeah, he's actually quite nice when he's not surrounded by people.
Girl 2: Ah, so he's blue crack.

2)Girl 1: AH! Look, there's a singing goat!
Girl 2:........
Girl 1: That crazy goat.
Girl 2: You're so on blue crack.
by Angus the superduck March 6, 2005
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A type of music which is similar to classic punk rock music, except with appealing vocals/instrumentals. Because the genre is catchy, lots of people listen to it. This irritates others, because punk isn't supposed to be popular.
People who listen to pop-punk normally know that they themselves and the bands they listen to are not punk, they just listen to the music because they like it (or they listened to real punk and didn't like it too much). Most actually respect punk rock bands, just choose not to listen to them. The same probably goes for the band.
Pop punk bands (that are good if you give them a chance):
The Offspring, Sum 41 (not the early Sum 41), Green Day, Blink-182 (early).
Stuff that is sadly in the same category: Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, New Found Glory.
by Angus the superduck September 11, 2005
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A condition where women, before their period, experience these symptoms:

A- Anxiety: irritable, crying without reason, verbally and sometimes physically abuse, feeling "out of control", or Dr. Jekyl-Mr. Hyde behavior changes.

D- Depression: confused, clumsy, forgetful, withdrawn, fearful, paranoid, suicidal thoughts and rarely suicidal actions.

C- Cravings: food cravings, usually for sweets or chocolate; dairy products including cheese, and on occasion, alcohol or food in general.

H- Heaviness or Headache: Fluid retention leading to headache, breast tenderness, abdominal bloating and weight gain.

But not as many women as people believe have PMS. Sometimes people are just bitchy because things are happening in their lives. But with all those symptoms, it's hard not to feel crappy and mean, no?
PMS is no excuse to be a bitch. Suck it up.
by Angus the superduck June 10, 2005
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What happens when people press random buttons and call it music. Takes no talent whatsoever and is a disgrace to real musicians who work their heart out to make music.
My friend started playing techno at the party and I kicked them. Hard.
by Angus the superduck June 22, 2005
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A crazy girl who has moved multiple places but now is living in the suburbs of Chicago. Her kicking abilities are known throughout the land and have given many bruises to many people. She can make her eyes go extremely crazy and the next moment like a puppy. Her catchphrase is "STOP ITTTTT!"

Which makes us all collapse into laughter.
I led a happy life before Muzzio. Now it is filled with tap-dancing turtles and insanely small dogs and bruises EVERYWHERE.
by Angus the superduck March 27, 2005
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A way to cleanse your soul of all sorrow that has been burdened on you.
After my mom yelled at me, I needed to cry.
by Angus the superduck June 22, 2005
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A person who subsides on a diet excluding all meat, poultry and fish. Some vegetarians don't eat animal products as well (milk, cheese, eggs, etc.). Reasons for becoming a vegetarian are wide and varied. Some people do it for their health, some do it for economic purposes, etc.

An annoying aspect of vegetarians is their pushiness about it. Some can make you feel guilty about eating meat (Example 1), by telling you how wrong and cruel the creatures' conditions were. Yes, it's wrong, but it's a business, and it's efficient. That, sadly, is how the business must be run.
Another part of their pushiness is the odd number of facts they throw out at you that have no relevance to the situation at hand and do not help you understand the situation better (Example 2). They also do not realize that death is a part of life. In order for things to live, they have to kill another thing (except for organisms that use photosynthesis). In order for a wolf to live, it has to kill a rabbit. Death and life are intertwined, and it's natural. It's gone on that way for millions of years. Yes, we can stop eating the meat and still be healthy, but people will keep on eating them. Not eating them to "ease the suffering", which is natural in itself is foolish and doesn't work. Yes, the scale it is pulled out on is sickening and cruel, but there is no need to tell the rest of us about it.

Whatever your cause is for being a vegetarian, keep it to yourself. Bitching about it endlessly doesn't help the situation. Do something about it if it is so horrible. Just boycotting doesn't work.
1) Alex: I'll take the steakburger.
Mandy: That cow was tortured its whole life in a cage and constantly kept pregnant. How can you eat that, you PIG.
Alex: I just wanted a burger!

2)Alex: The game last night was awesome.
Mandy: Did you know that being a vegetarian can cut your risk of cancer in HALF?
Alex: Where is that duct tape?

The basic idea of the vegetarians is noble, but they refuse to go any further in helping the animals.
by Angus the superduck June 19, 2005
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