2 definitions by AngrySoutherner

White trash was originally used as a term of contempt for White people, particularly poor Confederates or Southerners, who were considered less racially pure than Yankees. This was due to the fact that poor White people most likely did and do jobs that non White people do, but was also due to the fact that many poor White people cannot trace their heritage back to a particular European country, and also tend to live in a way that is usually ascribed to Black people, or Indians. Any White culture that does not follow traditional Yankee ways is considered of less value, and calling someone White trash is not considered racist, because of the lie that people cannot be racist against other ethnic groups of their same race. The term White Trash is almost always used by Yankee people; Black people tend to prefer the term Cracker, Hispanic people use the word Wedo, and rich Southerners use the less offensive term Hillbilly.
White trash people are almost always poor, they drive older cars, live in trailers and low end apartments with members of their extended family, tend to listen to rap music, and in many cases, have children with other races who are poor as well.
Example One
Yankee: I hate Tennessee- everyone here is White trash- they all live in trailers and drive big trucks!
Example Two
Supervisor on a job site: So you pick up trash?
White worker: Yeah, man, I work for the temp service!
Supervisor on a job site: You must be White Trash!
Example Three
Daughter: Daddy, I met a great guy!
Father: What does he do for a living?
Daughter: He cuts lawns!
Father: Is he Mexican?
Daughter: No, he's from Georgia!
Father: Oh, so he's White trash!
Example Four
Liberal Politician: Only Black people go to prison!
White person: That's not true, I went to prison!
Liberal Politician: That's because you are White trash! Racist!
by AngrySoutherner October 13, 2019
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Peckerwood originally was used to describe the men who worked at Pecker's Wood Mills. James Pecker was a Yankee carpetbagger who built lumber mills in east Texas and Louisiana after the War Between The States, and who only hired White Southerners; therefore, those who worked at "Pecker's wood mills" became known as peckerwoods.
Over time, the term became popular in prison, as a way to distinguish White men whom were willing to fight and defend themselves in prison, from those who were willing to be victimized by others. To this day, various White prison gangs use the title proudly, and even the prison administration is particularly afraid of peckerwoods, even more so than they are of other gang members.
A peckerwood is essentially a White man, usually from the South and from a poor background, who shows little fear and is ready and willing to fight anyone who challenges or threatens him. Peckerwoods in many cases tend to spend years in and out of the prison system, as this willingness to engage in violence and refusal to accept social changes often results in long prison terms. Others eventually wise up and remove themselves from society, choosing to live in the mountains or the swamps of the South.
Example 1:
Inmate Tyrone: "Man, we should go and fuck that White boy over there..."
Inmate Jerome: "Nah, son, he a peckerwood- he'll get all his homeboys after us!"
Example 2:
Officer Jackson: "Inmate, get your ass in the cell!"
Inmate Hank: "Fuck you coon!" (throws object at officer)
Example 3:
Billy: "Hey lets go and hang out down by the bowling alley..."
Peckerwood : (grabs baseball bat)
Billy: "What you need that for?"
Peckerwood: "Damn spics down there..."
by AngrySoutherner April 18, 2022
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