1 definition by Angry Kentuckian

Fuck everyone who has ever said anything bad about Lexington, Kentucky. None of you have any idea about what you're talking about, so don't even try to act like you do. You are a bunch of hypocrits who talk about "hillbillies" as if you know what they are and as if they are bad or idiotic people. Well, you don't know a damn thing. True, Kentucky does have some hillbillies, however, the majority of these people are the nicest, sweetest people you will ever meet; they are also smart people. They would help you if your car broke down on the side of the road, unlike those assholes of any larger city or state. Every state has stupid people, there is no way of not having people like that in any state, so don't judge Kentucky as if we are the only ones who have them. And the horses are beautiful, in addition to the farm land. It is true that it is decreasing, however if you are in the right parts of town you will see amazing farms filled with crops, livestock, and the best of horses. So stick any negative comments up your ass and keep walking.
by Angry Kentuckian October 15, 2008
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