77 definitions by Angriest Mouse of Schnaasberg

The intentional, vigorous promulgation of ideas. This term originated in Soviet Russia where it referred to popular media, such as literature, plays, pamphlets, films, and other art forms, with an explicitly political message in favor of communism.
The mainstream media uses agitprop to control the narrative over the people.
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The review of a character that affected the course of events in a story.
The charetrospect of the protagonist showed that he was a villain the whole time rather than the hero.
by Angriest Mouse of Schnaasberg November 3, 2021
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When somebody spends too much money on entertainment such as movies, video games, and other useless things.
He went out on one of his spend-out sprees find video games and other useless junk.
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An imaginary monster that represents everything wrong with society.

They are often described as hulking creatures that have a bulky body covered with a protective shell, huge arms with hands and feet with four long claws, a knobby head, unhinged jaws with sharp teeth, short tail, white eyes, a pig snout, and has a horrible guttural scream and voracious appetite and will eat anything larger than itself.

It came from the classic arcade game Three Wonders released by Capcom in 1991.
He's such a balgoss!
by Angriest Mouse of Schnaasberg September 24, 2021
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A species of enormous creatures that has a bulky body covered with a protective shell, huge arms with hands and feet with four long claws, a knobby head

, unhinged jaws with sharp teeth, short tail, white eyes, a pig snout, and has a horrible guttural scream and voracious appetite and will eat anything larger than itself.
The balgoss news that you are nearby and will hunt you down.
by Angriest Mouse of Schnaasberg September 24, 2021
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Community of Single Frustrated Women, a hypothetical organization of women who are frustrated with not having a partner.
She joined the CSFW to find a partner.
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The term "fringebat" is a colloquial expression that has emerged in contemporary political discourse, often used to describe individuals who are deeply entrenched in conspiracy theories or associated with radicalized ideologies on the extreme fringes of society.

This portmanteau term combines "fringe," which alludes to the periphery or extreme edges of mainstream thought, with "alien space bats," a reference to fantastical and improbable elements from speculative fiction creating a vivid descriptor that highlights the unconventional, sometimes bizarre, and often implausible nature of the beliefs and ideas held by these individuals.
Don't listen to him he is a fringebat complaining about some type of shadow government!
by Angriest Mouse of Schnaasberg September 6, 2023
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