77 definitions by Angriest Mouse of Schnaasberg

Somebody who is lurking, a person who frequents the servers or forums without posting anything.
He was such an obnoxious swil!
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Non-real conservative, a Democrat that poses as a conservative and holds views that are racist and homophobic.
The American norcon personality varies from narcissistic to downright hateful.
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Alternate socialism or altsoc, a political ideology that encompasses state authoritarianism, more regulations, big government, mass surveillance, censorship, and other oppressive policies.
The ideology of altsocialism is the purest form of socialism that curtails the personal freedoms of individuals.
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A highly prudish person. Someone who takes everything as an offense and complains rather than doing anything about it.
This appropie is getting on my last nerve and want him out of my house.
by Angriest Mouse of Schnaasberg October 30, 2021
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