617 definitions by Andy

Term used to describe a mode of attack favoured by Indian cops when attacking protesters. Basically the same as a baton-charge, but using long sticks known as lathis. In a lathi-charge, pigs run at a crowd and start randomly beating the nearest people with five-foot-long bamboo rods.
The roadblock lasted for three hours before police used tear gas and lathi-charge to break it up. Protesters later regrouped outside the police headquarters to continue their agitation.
by Andy February 7, 2005
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Huge desert empire located in northern Magnamund, taking up most of the eastern coastal area between Sommerlund/Durenor and Dessi. Ruled by a sultan/king known as the Zakhan, the empire is held in a state of constant fear by his dreaded security forces, the Sharnazim. It has one of the most powerful armies in Magnamund, and sometimes fights alongside the Darklords, who enter into secret pacts with the Zakhan or use magic to influence him.

Featured in a number of Lone Wolf books, it is the main setting for Lone Wolf 5: Shadow on the Sand, and for two of the Legends of Lone Wolf books (numbers 7 and 8). In Shadow on the Sand, Lone Wolf is sent as an ambassador to the realm, but treachery is afoot and he is attacked on arrival. Forced to escape the dungeons of the zakhan, Lone Wolf eventually discovers that the Book of the Magnakai - a Kai treasure containing the secrets of the higher Kai disciplines - is hidden in Vassagonia. After finding the book, he must battle the new Darklord leader, Haakon, to claim it.

Other aspects of the story include the winged Itikar, giant birds used by the Vassagonian army, and the complex sewer system beneath Barrakeesh.

The somewhat one-sided portrayal of Vassagonia given in this book is offset in the Legends novels, when good Vassagonian characters are incorporated into the story, and the zakhan is overthrown (though not, presumably, for good, since he appears in Lone Wolf book 9 which is set later).

In Lone Wolf Book 9, the forces of Vassagonia, which are also attacking Cloeasia, Casiorn and other territories, converge with the Darklord forces in besieging the city of Tahou in the realm of Anari. Lone Wolf must defeat the Zakhan Kimah in one-to-one combat at the end of the book.

The capital of Vassagonia is Barrakeesh. Other notable features include the Dry Main, a virtually impassable desert inhabited by nomad traders.

The culture and imagery of the Vassagonian Empire seems to be based loosely on the Arab world in the Middle Ages, although the centralised sultanate is more reminiscent of empires from a later period.
Lone Wolf's arrival in Vassagonia was marred when he was attacked on arrival by the Sharnazim.

The army of Vassagonia is feared across Magnamund because of its Sharnazim shock-troops and the airborne Itikar riders.
by Andy April 23, 2004
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Something you say to let people know you dont care.
1) Hey Andy, listen to this. "Blub blub blub I dont give a shit!

2) Blub Blub Blub, oh i see you dont care.
by Andy February 18, 2004
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a girl with an extremely small glutious maximus
damn, stephanie got a small booty
by Andy November 18, 2003
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to blow up, to be on top
Itz time for me to shine.
by Andy November 19, 2003
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A Kick ass player of Raven Sheild who plays for the UKSA clan.
"Damn Diablo, you sure whupped them baad!"
by Andy July 20, 2003
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Dubbed the Wytch-King, Shasarak is an evil former Shianti who has become ruler of much of southern Magnamund at the time of the World of Lone Wolf gamebook series. This area, known as the Shadakine Empire, was ruled through his ferocious troops, the Shadakine, and the evil Shadakine Wytches. Shasarak himself was almost destroyed in a fire which occurred in the once-great empire of Taklakot. Defying the oaths of the Shianti, Shasarak had become ruler of Taklakot and under his rule it had become great, but the people started using dangerous magics which led to their destruction in a conflagration. Shasarak survived, but at the cost of severe burning; now half his face is permanently covered by an iron mask.

He is a powerful wizard, always wearing a long black robe and carrying a wizard's staff. He commands evil creatures such as the Kleasa and has even entered into a pact with Agarash the Damned. Now based in a tightly guarded fortress in the city of Shadaki, he makes his presence known through mental projections, nightmares and his control over his fearsome minions.

Grey Star fights Shasarak at the end of the fourth and final World of Lone Wolf gamebook. In fact, he is the only real "boss monster" of the entire series. Having said this, he is not an especially powerful opponent given the extraordinary skills Grey Star has in this fourth book. When he's defeated by Grey Star, he crawls through the demon gate and joins Agarash in his hell.
Shasarak's minions control all the eastern coastal regions and have subdued the free cities such as Karnali, Forlu and Andui.

It is discovered that Shasarak is a former Shianti towards the end of the second gamebook, when Grey Star uncovers a book bearing a Shianti rune in Gyanima, the last remnant of Taklakot.
by Andy April 25, 2004
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