617 definitions by Andy

The journal took a pomo turn round about 1990, but it seems to have recovered since.
by Andy May 7, 2004
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Ewww that chick is beat.
by Andy February 24, 2005
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a Rajshaspoon is a puff type not necessarily gay
Liam's such a Rajshaspoon he got kept on a bus by a girl for 3 stops what a fool
by Andy February 28, 2005
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large orcs with darker than usual skin and a stronger than usual dislike of the light, according to Tolkien. When I was a kid, I always used to draw the orcs as green and the uruks as black, but since Peter Jackson made them all brown, you can't tell which ones are orcs and which ones are uruks.
Which ones are uruks? I think that one over there might be. Oh hang on, that's a troll, isn't it? Damn it, you can't tell which are which!
by Andy April 18, 2004
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1.If it's not meant to be ridden, you ride it

2.if it's meant to be ridden, you ride it in a way it's not meant to be ridden

3.find another way to ride something
1.extreme shopping carting=you ride in a shopping cart

2.extreme biking=riding your bike down the side of a mountain, not the street

3.extreme sledding=taping a lawn chair to a sled, and riding it
by Andy June 11, 2004
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a girl with an extremely large ass that sticks out everywhere
damn, look at veronicas ghetto booty, its just..... there!!!!
by Andy November 21, 2003
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