18 definitions by Amy Christ

The act of pooping out of your butthole, directly into the butthole of another person.
dude, my dad's into some freaky shit. Last night I caught him poop docking with the town mayor.
by Amy Christ January 13, 2011
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an interjection meaning damn, whoa, dud or shucks.
ex. 1: "you sure do got a pretty mouth"

"aw, snarf"

ex. 2: "Justine's in the other room being a drama queen again. i swear, you put one drop of liquor in that girl and she's crying and carrying on like someone actually gives a damn."

"oh snarf. that girl needs to be gagged and left somewhere."

ex. 3: "snarf! did you see that car just run over that hotdog stand?"
by Amy Christ April 29, 2005
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an ugly or haggard person.

one who has been rode hard and put away wet.
"there goes that mangy old hooker. man, is she a swarthy sea captain or what?"
by Amy Christ April 29, 2005
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