5 definitions by Alucard

He knows whether you have been playing Castlevania!
I see that you have played Castlevania. --Psycho Mantis
by Alucard January 27, 2005
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When someone 'borrows' money from you and says that they will pay you back, but waits for a long time until you stop asking, and then never pays you back.
That whore over there Frezzed me of my money
by Alucard February 13, 2005
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Squivesh Skwi-vish: A combination of feeling sick and squeezing your buttcheeks together. 9/10 times involves a really ugly fat chick. (See Fugly)
That girl is so ugly, she made me Squivesh.
by Alucard February 1, 2005
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Vampire Blow Job.

Featured in the second episode of the greatest show of all time, Hellsing.
Dude! She just gave him a VBJ. Ouch.
by Alucard July 15, 2004
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Anime from Japan starring the dark hero Alucard (Arucard in Japanese). Fights vampires for the HellSing orgization.
Hey did you see HellSing Last night?
by Alucard March 22, 2003
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