2 definitions by AlldaladiesluvLeoHoO

Maximum effort is when you dump all of your hesitations down the toilet and madly scramble to your goal.
All you gotta do is use a whole lot of maximum effort.
by AlldaladiesluvLeoHoO December 22, 2019
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The Titan of the west from the Percy Jackson series, Iapetus fought Percy, but then lost all of his memories after he fell into the River Lythe(The river of memory). When he came out, he was so innocent that Percy couldn't kill him. Percy told him that his name was Bob, that they were friends, and took him to work in the palace of Hades(God of the Underworld). Bob later appeared when Percy and his girlfriend Annabeth were wandering the eternal pit of damnation, Tartarus. He helped them, and his memories soon came back to him. It was because of him that they made it through Tartarus and out the Doors of Death. He closed them after all. He is still the only good Titan that they know.
When Zoe Nightshade died she became the stars. Zoe is the daughter of Atlas. Atlas is the son of Iapetus. Iapetus A.K.A. Bob. That makes Zoe the granddaughter of Iapetus. As Iapetus was closing the Doors of Death, his last words were, "Tell the stars I say hello."
by AlldaladiesluvLeoHoO December 1, 2019
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