40 definitions by Allaiyah

Short for Tenheishi. Japanese angels. Deffinition; Sky Soldier. They have 2 sets of wings & throw spears at people. Common tenshs of today usually have only 1 set of wings or 2, bt one set of wings are actually feathery wing shapped ears.
Japanese history texts & countless anime/manga/CG sites.
by Allaiyah January 15, 2004
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the french-canadian counterpart for amerime, it tends to look less aweful.
Totally Spies is kanadime.
by Allaiyah September 9, 2006
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It was discovered that men who have their balls removed before their late 30s;

1)Live longer lives, because testosterone is an aging booster.

2)Don't grow hair on their backs & chest.

3)Don't get receading hairlines.

4)Don't pester their wives in bed.

5)Don't think about sex & have actual lives to live.

6)Retain their physical beauty longer.
They say being a unich makes him less of a man, but the ladies are all over him.
by Allaiyah June 25, 2004
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An attractive naturally bisexual hermaphrodytic creature that feeds off human sexual energy. Not concidered a demon. Commonly mistaken for a Taotieh/Totetsu in human form in Asia.
Picture Nightcrawler form X-man with milk white skin, golden Kudu horns, & make him as androgynous as a Japanese rock star, & that desribes the appearence.
by Allaiyah February 29, 2004
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A Japanese slang word know around the world. It's a combination of Bi & Chisai; meaning Small/Beautiful. If a Chibi is not pretty, it's refurred toas SD or Super Deformed. There are 2 kinds of chibis; stubby chibis with no limbs (think Powerpuff girls) & regular chibis, which resemble noseless children.
Chibis are small & beautiful, babies are super deformed.
by Allaiyah January 15, 2004
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Japanese slang for Starbucks. Going there is refurred to as Starbing.
"The girls went Starbing. They said they'd bring us some latte's."
by Allaiyah June 25, 2004
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Litterally "Wannabe Japanese" American slang for anyone who isn't Japanese but wishes they were.

Sympoms include:

1)Dissing your country & race.

2)An Excessive J-rock/J-pop/J-metal/J-Tech/J-Goth/J-Rap CD collection, music videos & wall posters.

3)An extencive Japanese slang vocabulary from music, fashion, lifestyles, books, etc. Words like "Visual Kei" "Gothic Lolita" "Ganguro" "Kogal" "Otaku" "Cosplay" "Yaoi" "Doujinshi" "Para-Para" "Parasite singles" & "Con"

4)Being a total geek about Japanese sent fandoms like games & animations & being really really proud about it.

5)If you think that Japanese sounds sexier & that the Japanese are sexier & that they have better taste in everything from music to chewing gum.

6)They tend to know trivial facts beyond slang like Japanese minimum wage & why Halajuku & Shinjuku are the coolest places to visit & they contridict you on your pronounciation.
"My sister is sooo Wapanese! She sings totmare & Vidoll & Gackt all the time, she has really convincing crossressers pinned to her wall, none of her videos or books are in English, she wont date guys of her own race, she hangs out at Starbucks alot, & she refurs to her sleeping bag as a futon."
by Allaiyah June 25, 2004
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