40 definitions by Allaiyah

Equilly popular with former drummer Yoshiki, this former guitarist saddened all of Japan. He was rich & had a new album he was working on, hardly depressing. He came home drunk one night & hung himself with a towel. Many believe he was murdered but it couln't possibly have been an "accident" A large museum was deticated to him after death.
Ironically, Hizumi from early Madeth Gray'll died on the same day. Also, a friend of Hide's from early Das:Vasser died in a car crash on the way to his funeral.
by Allaiyah February 29, 2004
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A book of illustrations all done by a single artist. A personal art portfolio that has been published.
"I'm a big fan of her work. I spent $40 on her illust shuu, it was worth it."
by Allaiyah June 25, 2004
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1)Tastefull/Posh. (coined in America)

2)Trim/Slender. (coined in Japan)
1)On some seasons, Gucci is the smartest thing to wear.

2)In order to be a model, you have to be smart.
by Allaiyah June 25, 2004
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Humerously, in Japan 'attack' means to approch someone of the opposite gender
"She attacked him at a bar & they went out the next day."
by Allaiyah June 25, 2004
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The Anime Eletists or Anime Leet. People with years of "expirience" in anime-watching. To be an otaku, you must have at least 5 years of watching, 300 series & OAVs watched, more than half of them have to be subtitled or raw, you have to own at least 1 fansub, 1 ufo catcher doll, 1 doujinshi, 1 untranslated manga, 1 shitajiki, been to at least 1 con in full cosplay, one anime ost, knowledge of Japanese popular subcultures, a fleet of Japanese slang words, plus the ability to read katakana, hiragana, & instantly reccognize a few kanjis.
Someone who only watches dubbed anime on TV or borrows dubbs from their friends will never become Otaku.

Otakus have little to no tollerance for noobs, but will take one under their wing & teach them how to properly enjoy all Japan has to offer.

An anime fan is just a n00b, but an otaku is l33t. (noob/newbie) (leet/elite).
by Allaiyah September 9, 2006
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A man who is pretty as apposed to handsome. Older than a Bishounen.
by Allaiyah June 25, 2004
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Short for Tenheishi. Japanese angels. Deffinition; Sky Soldier. They have 2 sets of wings & throw spears at people. Common tenshs of today usually have only 1 set of wings or 2, bt one set of wings are actually feathery wing shapped ears.
Japanese history texts & countless anime/manga/CG sites.
by Allaiyah January 15, 2004
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