30 definitions by Alice

Sex betwixt James Bourne and Charlie 'Chazwick' Simpson of Busted. Considered wrong by many fans of Jaybourne and Jaywick
Bournewick is love.

Bournewick is SO not love, Jaywick is love and that is that.
by Alice November 11, 2004
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A British band consisting of three men from the mecca of ennui that is Hastings in Sussex. Their lead singer looks like a small-mouthed hobbit, and they write piano-based tunes with trite lyrics that resemble Coldyplay, David Grey, and British bands in the early twentieth century who fall under the umbrella of the new acoustic movement. Not to be confused with footballer Roy Keane.

Lead singer Tom Chaplin has a nice voice, but unfortunately it is wasted on dull songs that attempt to soar but never really take off. Their biggest single is probably Everybody's Changing, used as Eastenders background music, and their first single was released on Indie record label Fierca Panda. Who consequently let them be signed by a major label, Island, as they realised they were a bunch of cobblers.
"Like a lot of people, we've gone into making music because we're not terribly brilliant at expressing things. None of us are your bog-standard, confident, outgoing rockstar types." - Pianist Tim Oxley-Rice, quoted from drownedinsound.com.
by Alice September 2, 2004
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"really good", "really amazingly blinging", etc
ASHLEH:"boi, dat shit is sic ting yo!"
by Alice October 23, 2004
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originating from The Darkside. A joint that can only be rolled by a champion Joint roller. Used in the beating of cake eaters, cunts and muppets.
I used the Witjoit on the fucker.
by Alice January 4, 2005
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Alternative pronunciation of "about" in the north of Scotland.
There's a moose loose aboot this hoose!
by Alice October 19, 2003
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A masculine female-bodied person who strongly disassociates from zir body, to the point that ze does not allow zir female parts to be touched or sometimes even acknowledged. Definition can be extended to include emotional untouchability or extreme masculinity.
The stone butch did not even allow her long-time lover to see her naked.
by Alice November 8, 2003
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