6 definitions by AlganonAU

The phenomenon where people who originate from Brisbane, Australia travel the world but still end up returning to Brisbane, despite personal vows not to.
Conversation at a Brisbane pub:

A: "I've travelled the world and done some really cool stuff!"

B: "Yeah but you are still a Boomerang Brisbaneite, and you are still here."
by AlganonAU January 3, 2011
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If it is worked out the time it takes to go somewhere via transit, such as by bus, taxi, car, train, horse (and etc) and this calculation includes all the extras or parking, traffic, waiting for the bus, waiting for a taxi, saddling the horse (& etc) compared to just walking there, and the time it would take to have just walked there is actually quicker, then you have not broken the transit even point.

This concept is borrowed from business where return on investment is described as a break even point where return surpasses cost.

Transit Even Point was inspired by inner city living, where walking can be quicker than transit.
You know, it would have been quicker to just walk, this waiting around does not meet the Transit Even Point!
by AlganonAU January 3, 2011
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The right to sit at a place ie a cafe or resturaunt, as opposed to trespass.

Concept borrowed from law, where to commence proceedings in a court case, you must have "legal standing."

If all you want to do is sit, then you require "standing to sit."

This can usually be gained by purchasing something from the venue.
I was walking through the mall and all I wanted to do was sit at a cafe and check my smartphone. But I didn't feel I had "standing to sit" so I bought a drink prior to sitting down.
by AlganonAU December 1, 2010
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When a man is irritable for no apparant reason.

Allusion to a man acting like he is on PMS/PMT, or is as irritable as if he had sand in his vagina.
He's got Sand in the Giny
by AlganonAU January 3, 2011
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Chatteral-damage is a combination of collatteral, chatter and damage.

Concept is that chatterall-damage is caused when a group(s) of uninformed people chatter and gossip about things they cannot verify and know little about. This causes damage in the groupthink, damages affected persons and slows down the process of actually establishing what is going on in the first place.

Acknowledgement to Mr Flower who expressed this concept to a group of people I was in, September 2010
No-one knows what is going on! However there is a lot of Chatteral Damage.
by AlganonAU December 9, 2010
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In the digital age we all have a multitude of options for communication. It can be inferred that there is a kind of "Contact Hierarchy" and "Contact Continuum" as not all modes hold the same weight with communication ranging from 1-10.

Hierarchy of contact in 2010 as defined by this contributor:

1. Face to face
2. Telephone
3. Personal Letter
5. Email
6. Personal message eg FB
7. Instant Message eg FB, MSN
8. Wall postings, comments
8. "Like," "Poke"
9. Nil contact.
10. Active blocking of contact.

Note: Higher order = increased responsiveness.

A more serious and/or important matter or message would attract a higher order of communication, with the top order being face to face. There are so many ways to communicate, the options are greater than ever before. But is all modes of communication the same, and attracting the same weight of force? Therefore there is a hierarchy. This may vary per user, but there is a hierarchy.
Hierarchy of Contact refers to how the more important the message or reason to communicate, or the person to communicate with, the higher in the order that communication would be. Conversely, less important is therefore lower.

Example, you really need to speak with someone about something serious, you want to face to face with them. If its not serious at all, you might make a posting on their social network wall.

At the end of the hierarchy is active blocking, where someone deliberately refuses any mode of contact.
by AlganonAU December 1, 2010
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