12 definitions by Alfonzo

The reason hair care products were invented.
Guy: "Why were hair care products invented?"
Girl: "Donald Trump."
Guy: Makes sense.
by Alfonzo January 9, 2016
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Guy 1: Man I was waiting for this girl outside the restaurant, and when she arrived she saw me Vaping. She blocked my number!
Guy 2: You dumbass bitch! You were Vaping. That's why you're single
by Alfonzo May 30, 2016
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That one guy who keeps asking stupid questions, even though he knows he won't get an answer.
guy 1: man this guy is such an askhole!
guy 2: what happened?
guy 1:he kept asking me what the square root of mayonnaise is... what anumber askhole!
by Alfonzo May 31, 2016
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The act of putting every part of the male genetalia into ones mouth, during Oral sex. This includes both testicles, as well as the penis.
Guy 1: Yoo I was with this girl last night and she was dong gargling me!
Guy 2: Yooo no way man.

Guy 1: Yeah she had it all in there- The penis and the balls
by Alfonzo May 31, 2016
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the act of sticking one's finger in the cleft of the opposite sex's derriere.
Gus tried to goozle every woman who walked in front of him.
by Alfonzo May 8, 2003
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