12 definitions by Alfonzo

Possibly the best video game in exhistance. If you ever find yourself sucked into it, be sure to promptly and efficently uninstall the game and lose the cd key. You may experience withdrawl, but it is worth it in the end. The best remedy for the withdrawl symptoms is lots of porn and an avoidance of large, red orbs.
Damn, I wish I could play Diablo with you guys, but I lost my cd-key! I'll just have to go home and masturbate.
by Alfonzo March 9, 2005
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the act of shoving cobs of corn up a female's vagina.
Amy: hold on, i'm bungling the boocesta
Clara: omg you do that too? i love the cob in me!
by Alfonzo May 18, 2016
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Someone who slaughters and kills fruits, and vegetables.
by Alfonzo February 11, 2004
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Like Netflix and Chill, but for the early 2000s. The act of renting a movie/show from Blockbuster, and having it play on the background during sexual intercourse.
Guy 1: yo dude ima bout to blockbuster and bang with mah girl
Guy 2: doooooooope
by Alfonzo June 15, 2016
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PFNR- An acronym which stands for "Party For No Reason."

A PFNR are sleepovers that occur monthly at a certain person's house. Typical PFNR traditions include taking your friends' phones and disabling them, or taking thousands of pictures. Another tradition is drawing on the face of the first person to fall asleep, with permanent marker. (These drawings can be anything, but a hairy penis is accustomed. )
Steve: "Yo man you going to the PFNR at Charlie's tomorrow?"
Bill: "Hell yeah, man. I'm gonna draw a dick on yo face."
by Alfonzo April 15, 2016
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Radical Femenists That do Slam Poetry. Those have said that listening to a Radical Feminazi Slam Poem is equivalent to listening to an Adolf Hitler speech.
Guy 1: Yo dude, have you ever listened to a Hitler speech?
Guy 2: Nigga Hitlers dead. But I sure have listened to a Radical Feminazi Speech
Guy 1: Oh shit, so you have?
by Alfonzo July 4, 2016
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vegetable killer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The carrot stood no chance against the vegetarian.
by Alfonzo February 11, 2004
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