13 definitions by Alfonso T. Watt

(noun) A Sanity Assasin is defined as a person, organization or an event by which the "sanity" of the unsuspecdting public can be eviscerated, derailed, decimated or even completely obliterated by a visciously random or premeditated act of sheer terror carried out with extreme venegeance.
That sanity assasin FEMA is making millions of coffins, storing them in rural areas and operating hundreds of concentration camps within the United States in preparation for an impending change in direction for our "democracy". This will happen through mandatory innoculations, flu shots etc. as Bill Gates suggested be institued to begin reducing the prospective world population by 10-15% within 10 years.
by Alfonso T. Watt January 11, 2011
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(verb) 1. Descriptive word(s) used to describe the act of defecating a large thick sweaty meaty chud in a public area immediately after eating greasy food.

(verb) 2. Arresting anyone named Chenery on any number of various greasy offenses, usually related to nonpayment of child support.
Cleetus saw that twat Michael pinching a chenery on the hotel lobby floor after eating 17 sliders and downing 12 warm Bud Lights.

Wow, the police are to be commended for pinching a chenery there by nabbing that farple manooney for not even supporting his own kids.
by Alfonso T. Watt January 28, 2011
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Sebacious substance found on or inside ones genitalia after raucous debasement of a coworker (or many coworkers, subordinates and complete strangers) while at work. This disease is strictly indiginous to the Fox Valley area in Illinois. Named for a stellar insurance executive, and all around swell guy who made this type of behavior an art form.
Oh snaaaaaap, I got that nasty tarvin all over me after giving it to that dolt Wimer Beesley about that sloppy amendment.
by Alfonso T. Watt June 4, 2010
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(verb) The act of copulation from a male perspective. Usually preceded by the word the when describing the sex act.
Bud was crazy horny and wanted to give Marge the angry inch.
by Alfonso T. Watt May 16, 2010
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A sloppy brownish color infused with yellow, off-white, pea green and red. This color is based on a Shaver Survey of public restrooms focusing primarily on gay bars, truck stops, McDonalds and rural strip clubs.
Percy said he wanted to mix a host of colours together to achieve a ralicious "turd brown" look for his riviting portrait of Mr. Squeezer.
by Alfonso T. Watt November 8, 2010
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1. A raunchy skank of a cumdump (m) or (f) who whores out every possible bodily orifice for a ridiculous amount of vociferous and usually heinous eye-popping fucking. Having ones mouth, vagina, anus, ears, glass eye. nose, armpits and quite possibly feet slathered with loads of milky funky spunk. Usually consisting of but not limited to: vagrants precious bodily fluids, the football teams cream squirts, a visit by the clergy and or a facial and cumbath by a wispy group of hair dressers all named Philip. These unbridled sperm receptacles are usually chock full o' various unchecked/untreated STDs.

2. The name of the swell fishing boat in the movie "Cabin Boy".
That skank of a Filthy Whore Babs enjoyed having all fifteen of those sweaty, flea-bitten, smelly, drunk and angry winos fill her raw with their juices and pus filled syphillitic dicks every Wednesday while inside the garbage dumpsters behind Wal-mart.
by Alfonso T. Watt May 8, 2010
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