62 definitions by Alfie The Horndog

The name Bill Cosby thought was his growing up. He thought his brothers name was "God Dammit".

According to Cosby's classic stand-up routine, his father would always yell at him and his brother.

Something like: "Jesus Christ, it's raining, get in here. God Dammit, you get in here too.".

But then one day he was playing in the yard alone and his father called him: "God Dammit, quit making such a racket!" Bill just stood there looking around for his brother. "God Dammit didn't you hear me?" yelled his father to which Bill replied, "But dad, I'm Jesus Christ!"
Jesus Christ, the Simpsons are killing us in the ratings! God Dammit we're being forced into cancellation because of a stupid cartoon!
by Alfie The Horndog September 18, 2005
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Ex Porn Star, turned actor, turned has-been actor.

Seriously... he and Barbara Streisand were in a porn flick together called the "Italian Stallion". But you probably won't find this movie around anymore, as Sly and Barb spent alot of moolah getting every copy destroyed once they became famous.

My favorite part of the movie was when he slapped her in the side of the head for scraping her teeth on his yogurt slinger while she was giving him a bj.
Before Rocky, Sylvester Stallone was a porn star.
by Alfie The Horndog September 8, 2007
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The nickname of an obese professional wrestler in the Pacific Northwest. Famous for spitting high into the air and catching the loogey in his mouth.
Moondog Maretti jobs to just about anybody.
by Alfie The Horndog August 10, 2005
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Or often called "double noggin knocker", is a combat move used to take out two assailants simultaneously. Not to be confused with a headbutt... this move is performed by taking the heads of two opponents and cracking them together, with little impact upon oneself.

You see this kind of thing alot in tag team style professional wrestling.

This move seems less effective against pacific islanders, as apparently, their heads are harder than most people's.
Bushwacker Bob made a big mistake when he tried performing a double noggin knocker on the Samoan brothers.
by Alfie The Horndog June 19, 2007
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A flowering plant found in damp areas of the foothills of mountainous regions in Europe and Asia. It is a member of the buttercup family.

The roots of this plant are a powerful neurotoxin. A piece of the root half the size of a grain of rice can kill an adult human within five seconds. The military has adapted this neurotoxin in gaseous form for chemical warfare.

In Roman times it was used by the lady Lydia to poison anyone who posed a threat to her son Tiberius becoming Emperor. She even used it to kill her own husband.

Diluted, the roots can be used topically as a local anesthetic and numbing agent. It is an active ingredient in many over the counter nerve pain homeopathic remedies.
I gave my mother-in-law a wolfsbane plant for her birthday, but unfortunately she didn't eat it.
by Alfie The Horndog September 11, 2010
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Historical protectors of the Nordic realm. Obviously better than the Greek counterparts, since Nordic men as far less gay.
Erik The Red wasn't as gay as Alexander The Great because the Nordic warriors were equipped with better ass-guards.
by Alfie The Horndog August 15, 2005
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Historical protectors of the Nodic realm. The Asgards are the primary reason the Nordic people didn't turn out as gay as people from Greece.
The reason that Erik The Red wasn't as gay as Alexander The Great was because of the ass-guard worn by many Nordic warriors.
by Alfie The Horndog August 15, 2005
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