62 definitions by Alfie The Horndog

A material that is labeled as causing cancer in the state of California only.
Guy #1: Why does this epoxy say that it contains a chemical known to cause cancer in California?

Guy #2: Because only Californians would try to smoke it!
by Alfie The Horndog June 19, 2008
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World famous opera singer from Spain. Considered by many to be the best female soprano in the industry.
Alessandra Marc is hailed at having the best singing voice of all time.
by Alfie The Horndog April 10, 2006
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A woman who developed a method for speed reading. Also used as a reference to her popular training method.

The Evelyn Wood speed reading method is a way of reading whole paragraphs at a time, filtering out common words and only look at uncommon words. By only looking at the uncommon words, you get the jist of each paragraph without actually having to read every single word in it.
Oh great! I was just glancing at a review for the movie we were going to see tonight and my Evelyn Wood training kicked in and now it's spoiled for me. So... why don't we just stay in bed instead?
by Alfie The Horndog March 30, 2006
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Ze terrorists.. zay give me ze humm vee taken from ze american troops, but zhes so beeg zhe does not fit in ze garage.
by Alfie The Horndog August 19, 2005
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Confusing adjective because there are multiple definitions in different dictionaries...

1) Big man with broad shoulders.
2) Short round man.
Girl #1: I went out with this tall guy last night, he said he was stocky in his emails, but he was short and round.
Girl #2: Oh... then he was stocky.
by Alfie The Horndog September 22, 2005
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Full Name: Weird Al Yankovich.

Funny guy who writes great lyrics usually as parodies of infectious hit songs. A common misconception is that Weird Al writes lyrics to make fun of other artists, but that simply is not true. He always gets permission from the artists before he publishes his parodies. The one time an artist complained about a parody that Weird Al wrote, it turned out to be communication error. Sometimes artists will even approach him to do parodies of their songs.

Some musicians have noted that in order for one to know if they have really "made it" in the music business is to have one of your songs parodied by Al!

Although his lyrics are funny, often VERY funny, Weird Al doesn't have the best voice, nor is he the best entertainer. In fact many find that his vocals and accordian accompaniments are very annoying.
I THOUGHT I was getting tired of Achy-Breaky Heart until Weird Al did a parody of it. Now I KNOW I'm sick of it, AND the parody.
by Alfie The Horndog August 11, 2005
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Rowan Atkinson's awesome British "toilet humor" sitcom, starring Rowan as an anti-hero character known as "Black Adder". There have been no fewer than four runs of Black Adder. In each of the series our hero finds himself in a different situation, where his ambitions are doomed to failure time and again.
Hugh Laurie from "House" portrayed Black Adder's bitch in all of the Black Adder series.
by Alfie The Horndog August 11, 2005
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