48 definitions by Alex Stockwell

Someone who spouts complete bullshit, with a wholly undeserved air of authority, can be said to have this.
"What kind of authority does this guy think he has, saying that shit like it's objective fact?"
"Apparently he has some kind of degree..."
"Yeah, Doctorate in Truthology!"
by Alex Stockwell March 14, 2019
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Any chick who you would never fuck, but wouldn't mind seeing in a porno movie.
She's all scrawny and leathery; there's no way I'd fuck her, but if I saw her in a porno I'd jerk off so hard. I guess you could say she's porn hot.
by Alex Stockwell July 27, 2009
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A black person who acts so over-the-top stereotypical, you'd swear he was white.
Hey, check out the black wigger! Could he be any more stereotypical?
by Alex Stockwell January 29, 2019
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When someone uses an absolutist tone where it doesn't belong, like when talking about movies. A reference to the line from Revenge of the Sith; "Only a Sith deals in absolutes."
"Did you see that Last Jedi review that just went up?"
"Yeah, but I'm not watching it. That reviewer can be straight up Sith sometimes."
by Alex Stockwell December 20, 2018
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An activity engaged in by fat, sweaty jocks with no sex drive, that somehow makes them less pathetic than sci-fi fans who go to conventions and bone geek-chicks.
My wife has been boning the mailman, but I don't care, more time for me to play my fantasy sports.
by Alex Stockwell September 10, 2007
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Someone who obsesses over movies they don't like, to the point of making a personal crusade out of them. Often have an Objectivist view towards these movies, believing that everybody should hate them, and anyone who doesn't is clearly low on intelligence. CJW for short.
"Jesus Christ, now they're doing Aquaman? When are people gonna wake up to the fact that DC movies are fucking awful?"

"Okay, I'm going to shut you down right now, pal, because I have no patience for that cinematic justice warrior bullshit."
by Alex Stockwell April 17, 2017
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Similar to Godwin's Law, this states that the longer a debate on comedy goes on, the more likely one person will compare the other's sense of humor to Seltzer and Frieberg, aka Seltzerberg. Named for Internet radio personality Josh Hadley(Lost in the Static, Radiodrome), who tends to do this a lot.
"Dude, you liked that movie? It's like Seltzer and Frieberg!"

"Dude, you know you just confirmed Hadley's Law?"
by Alex Stockwell August 24, 2012
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