175 definitions by Alex Quantashassle

Noun. Army slang for the paths of descent upon an enemy.
"Roger Wilco, Samson. Our directory is oh-5-7-6-3-1-3-3-7. Would-you-like-to go grab a coffee after the show?"
by Alex Quantashassle April 21, 2005
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Exclam. Hello. A greeting. No answer is expected to what is inherently a question. Northern dialect has created the phonetic corruption awreet.
"Alright there Bob!"
by Alex Quantashassle February 13, 2005
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Phrs. Of value, of any worth. Bristish origin.
"Have you heard their new CD? I heard it was rubbish but do you think it's any cop?"
by Alex Quantashassle April 11, 2005
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Another word for intellegence used in the middle-class ghetto.
"He has very little awareness."
by Alex Quantashassle June 10, 2005
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A contemptable individual. (i.e. someone you don't like). Suburban slang.
"My teacher's a skooj! He always keeps us in!"
by Alex Quantashassle June 25, 2005
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The bizarre sexual act of squatting like a toad and relieving yourself on your partner.
"Jess did the toad stool on me last night."
by Alex Quantashassle May 29, 2005
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1. A bad mood.
2. A difficult task.
1. "Keep out of Andy's way, he's got the arse-on."
2. "Jeez, proggraming the video is a real arse-on!"
by Alex Quantashassle April 11, 2005
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