10 definitions by Alecx Hunter

v. To so completely lose your cool that you can only get jibberish out of your drooling piehole.
When Jon found out that his mother had done biker gangbang flicks in the '60s, he totally jibbed out. It was AWESOME.
by Alecx Hunter July 15, 2005
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n. A human baby. Coined by the late comedian Bill Hicks
"Oh, CHRIST. The bitch can't even spell the name of her trailer park, and she's going to pump out another goddamn cabbage?"
by Alecx Hunter July 20, 2005
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n. 1. Italians of families long known to reside in Milan, Italy. Characterized by their fair skin and brownish hair.
2. A resident of Milan, Italy. Characterized by their slumped shoulders, dead eyes, frantic pace, and stubborn insistence that Milan is a great place to live.
"I was waiting at Loreto for the Metro when a Milanese bastard damn near shoved me onto the tracks in his hurry to get by. Luckily, a pile of dogshit and broken syringes broke my fall. Why is this place considered a fashion capitol again?"
by Alecx Hunter July 20, 2005
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n. A totally cheap-ass word to use in Scrabble and piss everyone off.
"Yeah, so I was winning by, like, 200 points, and THEN he puts down 'Qanat' on a triple word score tile, and I call bullshit, but it turns out it's a real word!"
by Alecx Hunter July 15, 2005
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v. A person far worse than a mere fucker.
"Have you seen Allan?"
"No, why?"
"Guy took a shit on my lawn, sold my car, and pissed on my mom. I'm gonna kill him."
"What a scumfucker!"
by Alecx Hunter July 19, 2005
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adj. Used in place of "fucking" on TV's Firefly.
"Fox was really rutting stupid to cancel Firefly, wasn't it?"
by Alecx Hunter July 26, 2005
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