36 definitions by Alec

1. Having shit actually in the place where your brain should be. Symptoms for this disease is smelling something extremely bad eery time you breathe.

2. Synonym for George W. Bush
1. The animal had shit for brains thus always smelling like doo doo.

2. George W. Bush is a person who has literally shit for brains and also has many friends who reside in his cabinet such as Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld whom also have the disease of having shit for brains.
by Alec November 5, 2004
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A phrase said when one is angry, often when one gets hurt It can be used instead of saying shit
Niggle J. Otter! You stepped on my toe you dumbfuck!
by Alec July 7, 2004
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An odd species of n00b that displays the following traits...

-Fond of MTV, Good Charlotte, the like.
-Plumage usually black with hot pink mixed in, markings usually in the form of the words "Punk Princess."
-Natural watering hole is a chatroom, where they use their mating call, which sounds like this. "LOL!!!111!Z liek aslz!143e12!!!"

Easiest way to kill them is disembowelment. Don't go for the head, they're like roaches.
"Break out the frags, guys, it's Teeny Bopper season."
by Alec December 10, 2004
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What can I say? A great Power Metal band liked by great people.

I would argue than Nightfall in Middle Earth is their best album, but again, they all rock. With amazing voal talent by Hansi Kursch, Andre Olbirch on guitars, Marcus Siepen on bass, and Thomas "Thomen" Stauch on percussion, they just kick ass. They originate from Krefeld, Germany.

Curse of Feanor and Bright eyes! WOO!
Alec: Dude, did you see Blind Guardian at Bloodfest?
Kyle: Hell yeah!
by Alec January 21, 2005
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An expression commonly used in suprise at our school when something unexpected occurs
Me: Doc Mandera just shit a brick!!
Stone: DAINK!
by Alec March 18, 2003
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dude who challenged the guy at hard ball to a "duel". Too bad these types of fights are not allowed anymore
zell miller > i challenge you to a duel
by Alec December 22, 2004
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